Hertle Ingenieure Headerbild Hertle Ingenieure Headerbild Hertle Ingenieure Headerbild


Hertle Ingenieure was founded in 1992. The actual team of Hertle Ingenieure consists of engineers, technicians and assistances. Hertle Ingenieure furthermore uses a widespread network of freelancers if the job requires it.


Personal data


Dr. Robert Hertle

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Robert Hertle
Professor (Honorary) at Technische
Universität München (TUM)
Proprietor of Hertle Ingenieure


Consulting Engineer VBI
Chartered Check Engineer vpi
Court Appointed Witness for Structural
Dynamics, Steel-Constructions,
Falsework and Scaffolds bvs




„Engineering has to be reduced to the essence.“
Robert Hertle


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Our highly qualified employees with engineering degrees from universities or universities of applied science, are committed to the clients’ demands and are in search for new and exciting challenges.


Due to the special requirements, resulting from our projects, it is crucial to fully count on our employees, who have the courage to act independently and are solid team players.


We are proud, being able to count on these qualifications in our company.


Our goal


is to engineer constructions and to reduce them to the essential, which justify all technical, economical and aesthetic factors at the same time.


This challenging goal is achievable only through constant enhancement and permanent depate about the actual state of the scientific and technical knowledge. The close collaboration with research institutes for that purpose is an important and self evident factor for us.


Unser Tätigkeitsumfeld im Detail: